As the spokesperson for Mango, Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson designed this kind of handbag. The pattern is the map of Haiti before the earthquakes and the bag features the characters"support the Haitian people" as well as the actress's signature. This bag will be put on sale in March at the world's Mango stores and is priced at RMB 199 and all of the profits will be donated to OXFAM Haiti Earthquake Fund.
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This time, no monogam canvas, no damier canvas or any other fashion style of Louis Vuitton for women, I'll present Louis Vuitton Utah Collection which is made expressly for gentleman. Got that, manly. Made from supple utah leather, the Utah collection reveals a variety of contemporary bags for any edge of men, featuring fiine vintage look.
With one handbag design, you will appear sophisticated and glamorous. On the other hand, you will look sassy and sexy with another. It will be easy for you to acquire a look that you desire due to the flexibility of top brand handbags. All our merchandise could be delivering door to door that may allow you to obtain the belongings you want conveniently and speedily. Our Goal is to present you with a superb support. Our purpose would be to give you a first class service and items that you will deeply don't forget with prompt delivery plus a welcoming approach.
Previously, only selling of counterfeits was considered illegal. The Telegraph reports a new decree called "abusivismo" that considers both buying and selling counterfeits illegal. If you are caught in possession of replica Vuitton handbags at international airports you will be fined heavily.
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